Я искренне не понимаю яростной нелюбви к Карен Пейдж. Я бы не смогла,как она идти за истиной до конца, я бы свернула,испугавшись.
На Тумбе нашла то,что отвечает моим мыслям.

karen page: has a mysterious, possibly dark/tragic background.
stands up for herself. proves herself being more than just the pretty
secretary countless times. is very smart and kind. fights the system™.
has gray morality, and shares matt's beliefs on law and justice. has an
arc for herself outside her story with matt, clearly stating she is not
only a love interest but a main character with plots of her own. goes
through traumatic experiences. wants to help people and tries to do so.
is kidnaped and saves herself, kills a man and is haunted by it.
believes in daredevil since the beginning and stands up for him. sides
with frank castle and help him to get the true about his story. does
what she can to discover the true and have justice, by whatever means
necessary. can take care of herself, is strong willed and a very good

fandom: she's so boring!!! can this white bitch stay away from matt???